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30 day blog challenge. Day 29.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘your goals for the next 30 days’

Ok. So as some of you may know I post on Instagram, not as often as I should, products that I like or dislike and if I have a really strong liking or disliking for a particular product I’ll also do a blog post.

Over the next coming weeks I want to really concentrate on this and try and make it as regular as possible. There may also be a possibility of a a YouTube channel?? I don’t know if I have enough balls just yet though but definitely something I’m looking into.

I have a busy month ahead so it’s going to be quite difficult to do things as I’m planning but I’ll give it a try. I could possibly be moving house and moving to a different country also… Ooooohhhhh! Excited is a fucking understatement!

So yeah, social media and moving seems to be the main focus for the next month 🙂 and because I’m new to this and not much of a techie (and I don’t currently have a laptop) I honestly don’t know how to link things on my phone.. So you can find me on Instagram if you search ‘justabeautyaddict’.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x



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