Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 26.

Hey guys,

I’m not gonna lie, I completely forgot to post yesterday!! Woops.

Well at least I’m honest 🙂

Today’s topic, ‘what kind of person attracts you’.

Well somebody that I share interests with for conversation. Someone who’s got a really good sense of humour and makes me laugh until I pee a lil in my pants. Someone who I’m attracted too. Looks aren’t a big thing for me really but I think you need to be attracted to the person and there needs to be some chemistry there. And lastly, somebody who makes me happy 🙂

Sorry I forgot.. I was doing so well!

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 25.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘someone who fascinates you and why’

Ok..this is kinda weird and I know you’re all gonna be lik ‘da fuck??’ But here goes..


I’m not gonna go into detail today because someone is definitely going to get offended and I’m having a bad day so I’ll leave it at that.

Hope you’re all having a better day in a better part of the world.

Peace, love and unicorns!
N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 24.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘your favourite movie and what it’s about’.

Into the wild.

I’m sure most of you know what it’s about but if you don’t, keep reading 🙂

This film is based on a true story. The main character is from a wealthy background. His parents seem to be obsessed with appearance and possessions. He is a top student in a top university and his life is perfect.

He decides possessions are worthless and leaves it all behind. He basically disappears. Cuts up his id’s, donates his college find to charity and tells no one.

He sets out to live a simple life, living off the land and experiencing nature in all it’s beauty. Along the way he makes, what should be, life long friends. He learns from them and puts his knowledge to practice.

He eventually finds himself secluded, in the mountains, living in an abandoned camper van and eventually ends up poisoning himself after he eats the wrong plant.

This, apart from the accidentally killing himself, is how I picture living my life. Going from place to place sleeping under the stars with nothing but a backpack and my thoughts.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 23

Hey guys,

Today’s topic is, (something along the lines of) ‘5 famous men that you’re attracted to’.

I’m just gonna let the pictures speak for themselves.

1) Chris Hemsworth.


2) Jonathan Rhys Meyers


3) Johnny Depp


4) Bradley Cooper


5) Ian Somerhalder


Hope you enjoyed that fine display!

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 22.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘how have you changed over the past 2 years’.


I really have. I came out of a bad relationship, with no self confidence and I just hated everything about myself. Mental abuse is just as bad as physical abuse and when somebody can make you feel that low and make you hate yourself then they are certainly not worth your love and affection.

Over the last 2 years, I have stopped letting people walk all over me. It’s ended a friendship 😦 but definitely for the better.

I have stopped judging people based on their appearance and opinions. This is something that really gets on my nerves! I don’t like when I’m in a persons company and they take the piss out of someone because of how they dress or how they act. My mother always told me ‘if you don’t anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all’..amen!

I’m certainly more confident. After the relationship ended, I had trouble meeting new people as I had become shy. This was obviously no good when I started my new job and we had to do team building exercises. I gradually gained my confidence back and wouldn’t think twice about standing on a table singing ‘the hiiiiiills are aliiiiive!!!!’

Probably the most significant change in me is that I am now comfortable with my appearance. Being told that ‘you look fat’ or ‘you need to lose weight’ really does make you hate yourself. There was a time where I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror without crying and I’m not exaggerating! Now, I couldn’t give a shit! I know I’m not fat. I am a healthy weight and I take care of myself and if anyone ever told me that I was fat ever again, I’d laugh at them.

Overall I’m a lot happier, independent and I honestly love my life and everyone in it. Never again will I be put down of made to feel like I’m worth nothing. Don’t ever let anybody make you feel bad. They don’t deserve you as a partner or a friend if they do. Everybody is beautiful and everybody is unique and it’s none of your business.

Thanks for reading, sorry this is a bit of a serious post.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

Laroche Posay

Hey guys,

I suffer from inflammatory acne. Not as bad as some of my other family members but it’s still not very nice.

I don’t just get a spot, I get 5 or 6 spots in the same area that are pretty much boils. For the last 2 weeks I’ve been unable to wear makeup to cover it up which is embarrassing because I have to go to work and people actually have to look at my spot riddled head for 8.5 hours everyday.

Over the last couple of days it has calmed down a lot but there was still the odd few large spots and marks on my skin.

I decided enough was enough and it was time to buy some products actually designed for acne. So I ordered a few product online yesterday from Laroche Posay, decided it would take too long for it to get here, and later went into town to buy them instead.

Now, I usually try a product a few times before I express my opinion but oh my god I love this! After only one use the redness has gone down and the spots are beginning to dry up. A significant difference overnight.

I have taken pictures and will be posting the results when I am happy with them.

I really look forward to the next few days. Getting my skin back to normal, finally!

I can’t wait to show you all!

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x



Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 21.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic is, ‘one of your favourite shows’.

I have so many!! I love watching telly on my days off, as I don’t get much of a chance the days I work.

At the moment, Game of Thrones is definitely my top show. I just love it and I’m soooo happy it’s back but I hate waiting for the new episode every week. (And having to avoid all social media until I can watch it for fear of spoilers)

Some other shows I watch or have watched that I enjoyed are/were: breaking bad, dexter, eastbound and down, sons of anarchy, the Tudors, archer and name a few.

I prefer watching telly alone because my housemate is like a 4 year old, he cannot sit still, and my boyfriend talks the entire time and he also criticises EVERYTHING! Ah but I still love him despite this 🙂

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 20.

Hey guys,

First of all I just want to say how surprised I am that I’ve actually stuck with this for the last 20 days. It’s just shocking to me.. I think the only reason I’m kinda doing this is to get used to posting regularly. So..

Today’s topic is, ‘how important you think education is’.

Well.. Obviously I think education is important now, but if you asked me this when I was in school I probably would have told you the complete opposite!

When you’re younger, it’s all about seeing your friends and having the laugh, well it was for me, and not so much learning for my future.
To be honest I didn’t do too bad for the lack of study I did and it didn’t really bother me because I had no idea what I wanted to do and still don’t.

I still managed to go to college, even though I had no interest. I think now, that the pressure they put on kids in school is pretty intense when in reality, you can pretty much get to where you want to be, career wise, by doing backdoor courses. Now, this isn’t ideal because it does take a lot longer and is more expensive but it’s possible.

If I could go back now and do it all over again I totally would and I’d actually apply myself but, unfortunately, this isn’t possible. I get by and that’s the main thing I suppose? Prime example of a dope right here.

‘Stay in school kids!’

Peace, love mad unicorns 🙂

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 19.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘disrespecting your parents’.

Who came up with these topics?

I’m a firm believer in respect. If you disrespect your parents how do you expect to earn trust and respect in return?

I see so many kids who are spoilt and just don’t understand the value of anything and want want want all the time.

It’s sad really because they’ll learn the hard way eventually I suppose.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 18

Hey guys,

Today’s topic ‘your beliefs’..well,

I am, despite a recent post, a big believer in karma. I believe that people get what they deserve, good or bad, and it may not come straight away but it will eventually come around.

I am quite religious, in my own way, but I don’t really agree with how we are ‘told’ to live our life. I don’t agree with religious organisations shoving complete shite down our throats and calling it gospel. I don’t agree with them saying it’s wrong to get an abortion or that it’s wrong to be gay.

I am a big believer in respect. This is something I feel that the younger generation are lacking. I wouldn’t dare talk back to mother, what she asked we did and what she told us not to do we didn’t do it out of pure fear of the ‘wooden spoon’.

I believe in value. The smallest most inexpensive things are more valuable to me than the big shiny expensive things and the things with no value at all, I treasure. Possessions are possessions at the end of the day and can always be replaced. Family and friends will eventually be gone and that’s why you must value people more than ‘things’.

I don’t partake in idle gossip. It’s mean and wrong and it’s not fair to judge somebody when they are not there to defend themselves. I’ve been in many situations where people have passed comments about me behind my back and spread false rumours and it’s not nice. This is why I don’t and will not listen to this type of gossip and probably why I only have 2 female friends.

Worship the peoples god, drink the wine and let the world be world.

I am by no means perfect. I’m human after all and everybody makes mistakes but it’s how you choose to live your life that counts. A good deed a day keeps the bad shit away 🙂

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x

