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A slightly happier beauty addict..


Hope you’re all keeping well.

I haven’t really had anything to write about for the last few weeks, hence the lack of activity! My bad!

I finally moved house (old news) but more importantly, I put all my shit away. Yay!

Work has been hectic. Nothing new there! I’ve been trying to focus on my Instagram account (@justabeautyaddict) because I neglected the shit out of that as well. Now, I haven’t completely organised my makeup/workspace area but it’s some bit manageable that I can find everything and do some new makeup looks.

We have a spare bedroom in our house which would make a lovely office space and I would kill to make my makeup storage room. (I’ll have to have words with the boyfriend.)

I really want to get my YouTube channel up and running but I don’t currently have a laptop. I’m saving for a new one and when I have one I want to start uploading videos.

My health is still pretty bad. I’ve been in a lot of pain for the last couple of weeks and can’t take time off work because I can’t afford to be down money. I have hospital appointments coming up so hopefully I’ll get some answers.

Overall, everything is going pretty well. My life is slowly falling into place at last. It’s been an extremely tough couple of months but thank fuck I have a fantastic family and some really amazing friends. Without them, I don’t think I’d be here writing this!

Peace, love & unicorns!

Naomi x




Beauty, Beauty blogger, Hair, Hair care, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Makeup, Reviews, Uncategorized

Benefit High Beam DUPE!!

Hey guys,

So I’ve got a lot of Benefit products and I absolutely love them all. They are my babies..yeah I’d go that far! I have nothing bad to say about Benefit and I’m in no way knocking them by posting this but I recently picked up the Mememe Cosmetics ‘Beat the Blues’ highlighter and it’s pretty much the same as Benefits ‘High Beam’.

Now, I’m a bargain hunter. I love high quality make up that is a decent price. So to be honest, that’s what sold this for me.

Now the Mememe ‘Beat the Blues’ is more pink whereas Benefits ‘High Beam’ is still pink but more on the white side.
‘Beat the Blues’ has a thicker consistency and ‘High Beam’ is thin. Because of this I find the ‘High Beam’ dries a lot faster making it harder to blend. ‘Beat the Blues’ dries slower and is very blend-able which, I think, is handy if your just starting out on your makeup journey 🙂
And lastly the price difference is immense!!! ‘High Beam’ retails in Ireland for about €27 and ‘Beat the Blues’ retails for around €6 or €7 (I’m sorry I can’t remember).



I love both products. They are fantastic but price wise Mememe wins this one and as I said, would really recommend this if you’re just starting out as it’s a lot easier to use.

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you think in the comments. Do you have any other dupes that I don’t know about? Tell me 🙂

Peace, love and unicorns!

Naomi x

Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 30!!!!

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘your highs and lows of this month’.

I’ve always had this feeling that karma has forgotten about me or I just have shit luck, but life is what you make of it. Despite karma being an asshole, I haven’t really had too many lows. I was a little stressed out about money and my health, which causes restless nights and bad skin breakouts, so I’ve just been super tired. We had a death in the family recently and not being able to be at home, because I have to work, and not being able to go to England for the funeral has resulted in me crying like a baby at the drop of a hat and me being homesick.

The highs of this month have been more plentiful, ever the optimist! I’ve been looking for work in England for the past few months and hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to fly over for some interviews and because of this I’ve also had to get my passport. Just so you know, I’ve filled in 4 forms since my passport expired in 2011 and FINALLY, last week, I actually sent it off. Go me! There’s also the possibility of moving house but if the move goes ahead I don’t really see a point. Of course starting the Instagram page and setting up the blog is definitely a high. I know it’s early days but I really enjoy it and it’s opening up a lot of doors for me.

I feel like I’m constantly struggling with life and there’s always something unexpected thrown in the mix but I think things are starting to look up for me 🙂

So this is the end of the blog challenge!! I am seriously amazed that I completed it (despite forgetting one post the other day) and just wanted to say thanks to everybody for reading and all the nice comments. Hopefully you feel like know me a little bit better 🙂

If you want to know what comes next, have a look at my previous post.

Thank you all again.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 26.

Hey guys,

I’m not gonna lie, I completely forgot to post yesterday!! Woops.

Well at least I’m honest 🙂

Today’s topic, ‘what kind of person attracts you’.

Well somebody that I share interests with for conversation. Someone who’s got a really good sense of humour and makes me laugh until I pee a lil in my pants. Someone who I’m attracted too. Looks aren’t a big thing for me really but I think you need to be attracted to the person and there needs to be some chemistry there. And lastly, somebody who makes me happy 🙂

Sorry I forgot.. I was doing so well!

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 24.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘your favourite movie and what it’s about’.

Into the wild.

I’m sure most of you know what it’s about but if you don’t, keep reading 🙂

This film is based on a true story. The main character is from a wealthy background. His parents seem to be obsessed with appearance and possessions. He is a top student in a top university and his life is perfect.

He decides possessions are worthless and leaves it all behind. He basically disappears. Cuts up his id’s, donates his college find to charity and tells no one.

He sets out to live a simple life, living off the land and experiencing nature in all it’s beauty. Along the way he makes, what should be, life long friends. He learns from them and puts his knowledge to practice.

He eventually finds himself secluded, in the mountains, living in an abandoned camper van and eventually ends up poisoning himself after he eats the wrong plant.

This, apart from the accidentally killing himself, is how I picture living my life. Going from place to place sleeping under the stars with nothing but a backpack and my thoughts.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 22.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘how have you changed over the past 2 years’.


I really have. I came out of a bad relationship, with no self confidence and I just hated everything about myself. Mental abuse is just as bad as physical abuse and when somebody can make you feel that low and make you hate yourself then they are certainly not worth your love and affection.

Over the last 2 years, I have stopped letting people walk all over me. It’s ended a friendship 😦 but definitely for the better.

I have stopped judging people based on their appearance and opinions. This is something that really gets on my nerves! I don’t like when I’m in a persons company and they take the piss out of someone because of how they dress or how they act. My mother always told me ‘if you don’t anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all’..amen!

I’m certainly more confident. After the relationship ended, I had trouble meeting new people as I had become shy. This was obviously no good when I started my new job and we had to do team building exercises. I gradually gained my confidence back and wouldn’t think twice about standing on a table singing ‘the hiiiiiills are aliiiiive!!!!’

Probably the most significant change in me is that I am now comfortable with my appearance. Being told that ‘you look fat’ or ‘you need to lose weight’ really does make you hate yourself. There was a time where I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror without crying and I’m not exaggerating! Now, I couldn’t give a shit! I know I’m not fat. I am a healthy weight and I take care of myself and if anyone ever told me that I was fat ever again, I’d laugh at them.

Overall I’m a lot happier, independent and I honestly love my life and everyone in it. Never again will I be put down of made to feel like I’m worth nothing. Don’t ever let anybody make you feel bad. They don’t deserve you as a partner or a friend if they do. Everybody is beautiful and everybody is unique and it’s none of your business.

Thanks for reading, sorry this is a bit of a serious post.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

Laroche Posay

Hey guys,

I suffer from inflammatory acne. Not as bad as some of my other family members but it’s still not very nice.

I don’t just get a spot, I get 5 or 6 spots in the same area that are pretty much boils. For the last 2 weeks I’ve been unable to wear makeup to cover it up which is embarrassing because I have to go to work and people actually have to look at my spot riddled head for 8.5 hours everyday.

Over the last couple of days it has calmed down a lot but there was still the odd few large spots and marks on my skin.

I decided enough was enough and it was time to buy some products actually designed for acne. So I ordered a few product online yesterday from Laroche Posay, decided it would take too long for it to get here, and later went into town to buy them instead.

Now, I usually try a product a few times before I express my opinion but oh my god I love this! After only one use the redness has gone down and the spots are beginning to dry up. A significant difference overnight.

I have taken pictures and will be posting the results when I am happy with them.

I really look forward to the next few days. Getting my skin back to normal, finally!

I can’t wait to show you all!

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x



Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 17

Hey guys,

Today’s topic ‘your highs and lows of this past year’

Ok.. I suppose I’ll start with the lows. I try to surround myself with amazing people who have a fantastic outlook on life but despite this there have been some lows.

A lot of my close friends left the country. One of my best friends went back to his hometown, which is in Ireland but, we don’t get to talk as much. Another close friend went to Peru to direct a charity funded school.

There have been some issues with family members dealing with depression. This makes me sad because I know how this feels and when your away from home, it makes things very hard.

There have also been a few times when I’ve been seriously broke, and when I say broke I mean, to the point where I can’t feed myself. But my favourite quote and something I live by, always gets me through..

‘This too shall pass’

My highs in the past year have been a lot more plentiful than lows..for which I am grateful.

I got a new job. This helped me mentally because the previous job I had, caused me a great deal of stress. I was lucky enough to meet some amazing people in this job that really will be life long friends. I also met my fantastic boyfriend there as well.

More recently we got a puppy, who is basically my child, and we’re planning on moving to new house very shortly and are also planning our travelling route 🙂

No matter what life throws at you, you’ve got to keep going. Don’t ever give up and if something doesn’t make happy anymore, change it! There’s no point being unhappy because of something that you can change. Right? Right!

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 16.

Hey guys,

Today’s topic is ‘your views on mainstream music’

I always remember my mother shouting up the stairs at me to ‘turn down that shite!’. I always figured her taste in music was a little outdated and she was seriously uncool.

As I’ve gotten older, my music knowledge has grown out of control and I now listen to a wide variety of music. I am also now grateful, I certainly wasn’t before, that my mother had such a good taste in music and introduced me to some of the greats!

I now find myself giving out constantly about mainstream music, not all but most. Songs like ‘what does the fox say’ and ‘gangnamstyle’ should never have been invented and have offended my poor ears! I also think, and this may sound slightly harsh, that people like pitbull and that twat flo rida should be put down.

If you actually have conversations with the younger generation, most of them don’t know who queen, Otis redding, Janis Joplin, Marvin Gaye, acdc, Jimi Hendrix, led zeppelin, David Bowie, Michael Jackson (I shit you not) nirvana, smashing pumpkins, the killers, kings of Leon, franz Ferdinand are/were and that’s only to name a few.

It makes me quite sad that these legendary musicians who paved the music path are probably going to die out and be forgotten.

Peace, love and good music!

N x


Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 11

Hey guys,

Today’s topic ‘Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs’

1) disclosure – when a fire starts to burn

2) kings of Leon – ragoo

3) fall out boy – our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued (ha)

4) M83 – midnight city

5) Newton Faulkner – I need something

6) led zeppelin – whole lotta love

7) ed sheeran – this

8) bob Marley – judge not

9) tom o’dell – can’t pretend

10) hozier – someone new

So there you go. A slight insight into my music world! I am a serious music fan and listen to pretty much everything..except country.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x

