Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Health, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Update, Work

A slightly happier beauty addict..


Hope you’re all keeping well.

I haven’t really had anything to write about for the last few weeks, hence the lack of activity! My bad!

I finally moved house (old news) but more importantly, I put all my shit away. Yay!

Work has been hectic. Nothing new there! I’ve been trying to focus on my Instagram account (@justabeautyaddict) because I neglected the shit out of that as well. Now, I haven’t completely organised my makeup/workspace area but it’s some bit manageable that I can find everything and do some new makeup looks.

We have a spare bedroom in our house which would make a lovely office space and I would kill to make my makeup storage room. (I’ll have to have words with the boyfriend.)

I really want to get my YouTube channel up and running but I don’t currently have a laptop. I’m saving for a new one and when I have one I want to start uploading videos.

My health is still pretty bad. I’ve been in a lot of pain for the last couple of weeks and can’t take time off work because I can’t afford to be down money. I have hospital appointments coming up so hopefully I’ll get some answers.

Overall, everything is going pretty well. My life is slowly falling into place at last. It’s been an extremely tough couple of months but thank fuck I have a fantastic family and some really amazing friends. Without them, I don’t think I’d be here writing this!

Peace, love & unicorns!

Naomi x




Beauty, Beauty blogger, Dog, Hair, Hair care, Humor, Humour, Irish beauty blogger, Irish blogger, Life, Makeup, Money, Puppy, Reviews, Sad, Travel, Uncategorized, Work

30 day blog challenge. Day 30!!!!

Hey guys,

Today’s topic, ‘your highs and lows of this month’.

I’ve always had this feeling that karma has forgotten about me or I just have shit luck, but life is what you make of it. Despite karma being an asshole, I haven’t really had too many lows. I was a little stressed out about money and my health, which causes restless nights and bad skin breakouts, so I’ve just been super tired. We had a death in the family recently and not being able to be at home, because I have to work, and not being able to go to England for the funeral has resulted in me crying like a baby at the drop of a hat and me being homesick.

The highs of this month have been more plentiful, ever the optimist! I’ve been looking for work in England for the past few months and hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to fly over for some interviews and because of this I’ve also had to get my passport. Just so you know, I’ve filled in 4 forms since my passport expired in 2011 and FINALLY, last week, I actually sent it off. Go me! There’s also the possibility of moving house but if the move goes ahead I don’t really see a point. Of course starting the Instagram page and setting up the blog is definitely a high. I know it’s early days but I really enjoy it and it’s opening up a lot of doors for me.

I feel like I’m constantly struggling with life and there’s always something unexpected thrown in the mix but I think things are starting to look up for me 🙂

So this is the end of the blog challenge!! I am seriously amazed that I completed it (despite forgetting one post the other day) and just wanted to say thanks to everybody for reading and all the nice comments. Hopefully you feel like know me a little bit better 🙂

If you want to know what comes next, have a look at my previous post.

Thank you all again.

Peace, love and unicorns!

N x

