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Where’s the light?

So I’ve figured that I’m only at the start or half way through my tunnel because I can’t see the light everyone is fuckin talking about, but, I do feel slightly better.

Life really does throw shit at you doesn’t it? I’m so close to giving up. I never imagined I’d be in this situation at this stage of my life. I always thought, that by now, I would have travelled half the world when in fact I haven’t even set sail. Again and again there’s walls flying up in front of me, forcing me to change my path.

So dark.

On the plus side, I’ve started writing again. Although it’s harder because I don’t have a laptop, so I’m physically writing words down! I always got a great sense of calm when I was writing before. I wonder why I only write when I’m depressed? Like I have to be in a certain frame of mind to put words down properly.

This may not make sense to anyone but it’s off my chest now, for today anyway.
